Doering GN, MM Prebus, S Suresh, JN Greer, R Bowden, TA Linksvayer. 2024. Emergent collective behavior evolves more rapidly than individual behavior among acorn ant species. PNAS 121: e420078121.
Singh R, S Suresh, JH Fewell, JF Harrison, TA Linksvayer. 2024. Wolbachia-infected pharaoh ant colonies have higher egg production, metabolic rate, and worker survival. Journal of Experimental Biology 227: jeb247168.
Hakala SM, H Fujioka, K Gapp , O De Gasperin, E Genzoni, RM Kilner, JM Koene, B Koenig, TA Linksvayer, M-P Meurville, MA Negroni, H Palejowski, S Wigby, AC LeBoeuf. 2023. Socially transferred materials: why and how to study them. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38: 446-468.
Traniello JFA, TA Linksvayer, ZN Coto. 2022. Social complexity and brain evolution: insights from ant neuroarchitecture and genomics. Current Opinion in Insect Science 53: 100962.
Tong C, L Avilés, LS Rayor, AS Mikheyev, TA Linksvayer. 2022. Genomic signatures of recent convergent transitions to social life in spiders. Nature Communications 13: 6967.
Mueller UG, TA Linksvayer. 2022. Microbiome breeding: conceptual and practical issues. Trends in Microbiology 30: 997-1011.
Walsh JT, A Garonsiki, C Jackan, TA Linksvayer. 2022. The collective behavior of ant groups depends on group genotypic composition. Journal of Heredity 113:102-108.
Walsh JT, L Pontieri, P d’Ettorre, TA Linksvayer. 2020. Ant cuticular hydrocarbons are heritable and associated with variation in colony productivity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201029.
DA Friedman, BR Johnson, TA Linksvayer. 2020. Distributed physiology and the molecular basis of social life in eusocial insects. Hormones and Behavior 112: 104757.
Singh R, TA Linksvayer. 2020. Wolbachia-infected ant colonies have increased reproductive investment and an accelerated life cycle. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb220079
Walsh JT, S Garnier, TA Linksvayer. 2020. Ant collective behavior is heritable and shaped by selection. American Naturalist 196: 541-554.
Tong C, GB Najm, N Pinter-Wolman, JN Pruitt, TA Linksvayer. 2020. Comparative genomics identifies putative signatures of sociality in spiders. Genome Biology and Evolution 12: 122-133.
Warner MR, L Qiu, AS Mikheyev, TA Linksvayer. 2019. The convergent evolution of eusociality is based on a shared reproductive groundplan plus lineage-specific sets of plastic genes. Nature Communications 10: 2651.
Warner MR, AS Mikheyev, TA Linksvayer. 2019. Transcriptomic basis and evolution of the ant nurse-larval social interactome. PLoS Genetics 15: e1008156.
Linksvayer TA, BR Johnson. 2019. Re-thinking the social ladder approach for elucidating the evolution and molecular basis of insect societies. Current Opinion in Insect Science 34: 123-129.
Linksvayer TA. 2019. Subsociality and the evolution of eusociality. Pages 661-666 in JC Choe, ed. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Academic Press.
Walsh JT, L Signorotti, TA Linksvayer, P d’Ettorre. 2018. Phenotypic correlation between queen and worker brood care supports the role of maternal care in the evolution of eusociality. Ecology and Evolution 8: 10409-10415.
Walsh JT, MR Warner, A Kase, BJ Cushing, TA Linksvayer. 2018. Ant nurse workers exhibit behavioural and transcriptomic specialization on larval stage. Animal Behaviour 141:161-169.
Warner MR, J Lipponen, TA Linksvayer. 2018. Pharaoh ant colonies dynamically regulate reproductive allocation based on colony demography. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 72: 31.
Kellner K, MR Kardish, JN Seal, TA Linksvayer, UG Mueller. 2018. Symbiont-mediated host-parasite dynamics in a fungus-gardening ant. Microbial Ecology 76: 530-543.
Gospocic J, E Shield, H Yan, C Penick, AS Mikheyev, TA Linksvayer, S Berger, J Liebig, D Reinberg, R Bonasio. 2017. The neuropeptide corazonin controls social behavior and caste identity in ants. Cell 170: 748-759.
Warner M, AS Mikheyev, TA Linksvayer. 2017. Genomic signature of kin selection in an ant with obligately sterile workers. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 1780-1787.
Pontieri L, AM Schmidt, R Singh, JS Pedersen, TA Linksvayer. 2017. Artificial selection on ant caste uncovers effect of Wolbachia infection on sex ratio. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 225-234.
Warner M, K Kovaka, TA Linksvayer. 2016. Late-instar ant worker larvae play a prominent role in colony-level caste regulation. Insectes Sociaux 63: 575-583.
Linksvayer TA, MJ Wade. 2016. Theoretical predictions for sociogenomic data: the effects of kin selection and sex-limited expression on the evolution of social insect genomes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4: 65.
Tarpy DR, M Simone-Finstrome, TA Linksvayer. 2016. Honey bee colonies regulate queen reproductive traits by controlling which queens survive to adulthood. Insectes Sociaux 63: 169-174.
Akçay E, TA Linksvayer, J Van Cleve. 2015. Bridging social evolution theory and emerging empirical approaches to social behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6: 59-64.
Kellner K, HD Ishak, TA Linksvayer, UG Mueller. 2015. Bacterial community composition and diversity in an ancestral ant fungus symbiosis. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91: fiv073.
Vojvodic S, B Harpur, C Kent, A Zayed, BR Johnson, KE Anderson, TA Linksvayer. 2015. The transcriptomic and evolutionary signature of social interactions regulating honey bee caste development. Ecology & Evolution 5: 4795-4807.
Linksvayer TA. 2015. The molecular and evolutionary genetic implications of being truly social for the social insects. Advances in Insect Physiology 48: 271-292.
Mikheyev AS, TA Linksvayer. 2015. Genes associated with ant social behavior show distinct transcriptional and evolutionary patterns. eLife 4: e04775.
Jasper WC, TA Linksvayer, M Borowiec, J Atallah, D Friedman, JC Chiu, BR Johnson. 2015. Large scale coding sequence change underlies the evolution of post-developmental novelty in honey bees. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 334-346.
Pontieri L, S Vojvodic, R Graham, JS Pedersen, TA Linksvayer. 2014. Ant colonies prefer infected over uninfected nest sites. PLoS ONE 9: e111961.
Linksvayer TA. 2014. Eusociality. In Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. Ed. J Losos. Oxford University Press: New York.
Linksvayer TA, JW Busch, CR Smith. 2013. Social supergenes of superorganisms: Do supergenes play important roles in social evolution? BioEssays 35: 683-689.
Kellner K, H Fernández-Marín, HD Ishak, R Sen, C Rabeling, TA Linksvayer, UG Mueller. 2013. Co-evolutionary patterns and diversification of ant-fungus associations in the asexual fungus-farming ant Mycocepurus smithii in Panama. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1353-1362.
Holman L, JS van Zweden, TA Linksvayer, P d’Ettorre. 2013. Crozier’s paradox revisited: maintenance of genetic recognition systems by disassortative mating. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 211.
Holman L, TA Linksvayer, P d’Ettorre. 2013. Genetic constraints on dishonesty and caste dimorphism in an ant. American Naturalist 181: 161-170.
Linksvayer TA, J Fewell, J Gadau, M Laubichler. 2012. Developmental evolution in social insects: regulatory networks from genes to societies. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 318: 159-169.
Wang Y, S Kocher, TA Linksvayer, CM Grozinger, RE Page Jr, GV Amdam. 2011. Regulation of behaviorally-associated gene pathways in worker honey bee ovaries. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 124-134.
Schmidt AM, TA Linksvayer, JJ Boomsma, JS Pedersen. 2011. No benefit in diversity? The effect of genetic variation on survival and disease resistance in a polygynous social insect. Ecological Entomology 36: 751-659.
Linksvayer TA, O Kaftanoglu, E Akyol, S Blatch, GV Amdam, RE Page Jr. 2011. Larval and nurse worker control of developmental plasticity and the evolution of honey bee queen-worker dimorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1939-1948.
Abbott et al. (139 authors, including TA Linksvayer). 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 471: E1-E4.
Anderson KE, D Wheeler, K Yang, TA Linksvayer. 2011. Dynamics of an ant-ant obligate mutualism: colony growth, density dependence and frequency dependence. Molecular Ecology 20: 1781-1793.
Van Dyken JD, TA Linksvayer, MJ Wade. 2011. Kin selection-mutation balance. American Naturalist 177: 288-300.
Kaftanoglu O, TA Linksvayer, RE Page Jr. 2011. Rearing honey bees, Apis mellifera, in vitro 1: Effects of sugar concentrations on survival and development. Journal of Insect Science 11: 96.
Schmidt AM, TA Linksvayer, JJ Boomsma, JS Pedersen. 2011. Queen-worker caste ratio depends on colony size in the pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis). Insectes Sociaux 58: 139-144.
Rueppell O, JD Metheny, TA Linksvayer, MK Fondrk, RE Page Jr. 2011. Genetic architecture of ovary size and asymmetry in European honeybee workers. Heredity 106: 894-903.
van Zweden JS, JF Brask, JH Christensen, JJ Boomsma, TA Linksvayer, P d’Ettorre. 2010. Blending of heritable recognition cues among ant nestmates creates distinct colony gestalt odors but prevents within-colony nepotism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1498-1508.
Wade MJ, DS Wilson, C Goodnight, D Taylor, Y Bar-Yam, MAM de Aguiar, B Stacey, J Werfel, G Hoelzer, ED Brodie III, P Fields, F Breden, TA Linksvayer, JA Fletcher, PJ Richerson, J Bever, JD Van Dyken, P Zee. 2010. Multilevel and kin selection in a connected world. Nature 463: E8.
Linksvayer TA. 2010. Subsociality and the evolution of eusociality. Pages 358-362 in M Breed, J Moore, eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Academic Press.
Johnson BR, TA Linksvayer. 2010. Deconstructing the superorganism: social physiology, reproductive groundplans, and sociogenomics. The Quarterly Review of Biology 85: 57-79.
Kaftanoglu O, TA Linksvayer, RE Page Jr. 2010. Rearing honey bees (Apis mellifera L) in vitro: effects of feeding intervals on survival and development. 2010. Journal of Apicultural Research 49: 311-317.
Linksvayer TA, O Rueppell, O Kaftanoglu, GV Amdam, RE Page Jr. 2009. The genetic basis of transgressive ovary size in honey bee workers. Genetics 183: 693-707.
Anderson KE, CR Smith, TA Linksvayer, BM Mott, J Gadau, JH Fewell. 2009. Modeling the maintenance of a dependent lineage system: the influence of positive frequency dependent selection on sex ratio. Evolution 63: 2142-2152.
Linksvayer TA, MJ Wade. 2009. Genes with social effects are expected to harbor more sequence variation within and between species. Evolution 63: 1685-1696.
Linksvayer TA, MK Fondrk, RE Page Jr. 2009. Colony-level selection in honey bees produces coevolved socially-interacting gene complexes. American Naturalist 173: E99-E107.
Page RE Jr., TA Linksvayer, GV Amdam. 2009. Social life from solitary regulatory networks: a new paradigm for insect sociality. Pages 357-376 in J Gadau, J Fewell, eds. Organization of Insect Societies: From Genomes to Socio-complexity. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Anderson KE, TA Linksvayer, CR Smith. 2008. The causes and consequences of genetic caste determination in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 11: 119-132. all authors contributed equally.
Moorad JA, TA Linksvayer. 2008. Levels of selection on threshold traits. Genetics 179: 899-905.
Linksvayer TA. 2008. Queen-worker-brood coadaptation rather than conflict may drive resource allocation in the ant Temnothorax curvispinosus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 647-657.
Linksvayer TA, MA Janssen. 2008. Traits underlying the capacity of ants to adapt to disturbance and stress regimes. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 26: 315-329.
Linksvayer TA. 2007. Ant species size differences are determined by epistasis between brood and worker genomes. PLoS ONE 2: e994.
Linksvayer TA. 2006. Direct, maternal, and sibsocial genetic effects on individual and colony traits in an ant. Evolution 60: 2552-2561.
Linksvayer TA, MJ Wade, DM Gordon. 2006. Genetic caste determination in harvester ants: possible origin and maintenance by cyto-nuclear epistasis. Ecology 87: 87: 2185-2193.
Neiman M, TA Linksvayer. 2006. The conversion of variance and the evolutionary potential of restricted recombination. Heredity 96: 111-121.
Steiner FM, BC Schlick-Steiner, H Konrad, TA Linksvayer, SP Quek, E Christian, C Stauffer, A Buschinger. 2006. Phylogeny and evolutionary history of queen polymorphic Myrmecina ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). European Journal of Entomology 103: 619-626.
Linksvayer TA, MJ Wade. 2005. The evolutionary origin and maintenance of eusociality in the aculeate Hymenoptera: maternal effects, sib-social effects, and heterochrony. The Quarterly Review of Biology 80: 317-336.
Buschinger A, TA Linksvayer. 2004. Novel blend of life history traits in an inquiline ant, Temnothorax minutissimus, with description of the male (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 6: 67-76.
Linksvayer TA, AC McCall, RM Jensen, CM Marshall, JW Miner, MJ McKone. 2002. The function of hitchhiking behavior in the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes. Biotropica 34: 93-100.